For this practical section of this unit, I intend to create products that relate to the idea presented in my essay, the positives and negatives of both forms of marketing as well as the possibility of social media marketing taking over as the main marketing technique. It would even be worth considering how well the two aid each other with features such as QR Codes and store-exclusive promotions. I intend to use various software such as Premiere Pro, Photoshop and perhaps Illustrator to create a range of social media and traditional advertisements that are similar to other conventional advertisements that have been proven to work.
Here are some things I would like to complete throughout the practical section.
Research the conventions of traditional advertisements (video and print)
Research the conventions of social media advertisements (video and static)
Create rough plans for advertisements (video and static)
Make experimental versions of each advertisement
Present my ideas to a group
Evaluate work based on feedback
Unfortunately I couldn't edit in the feedback I received in response to my advertisements because my computer couldn't handle the size of the file. So I thought I'd explain here.
I wanted to get feedback from an older and younger perspective. And so I asked my Mum and Mylo to give me their impressions of my work. The questions I wanted answering were: Do you find the call to action effective? Which form of advertising do you think is more effective and do you think that Social Media advertising could eventually replace Traditional Advertising?
When I showed these ads to my Mum, she said that the call to action in the traditional forms were not as appealing to her and she said she was more likely to swipe up or click a link in the bio of an account because of how much simpler it is. She said that in general Social Media was more effective because of it's relatability factors but Traditional is much more trustworthy. And finally, she believed that quite soon Social Media Advertising could replace Traditional Advertising methods because of how much more often it is used by people and how much more businesses lean into it.
When Mylo was shown these ads, he said he felt that Traditional call to actions were actually more effective because he found them much more trustworthy. Despite this, he said he believes that social media is more effective because it is relatable and it shows a more believable/realistic display of how the product works. He said he believes that social media marketing could eventually take over but it would take a while because the current most targeted generation still generally respond best to traditional marketing.
These results more than surprised me because I got almost the opposite of what I expected. My Mum finding social media advertising more trustworthy and effective than traditional marketing is unexpected because in general her generation believe this to be the case for traditional marketing. At first I was surprised by the fact that Mylo found Social Media advertising less trustworthy but I can only assume that is because as a generation we are more cautious (and sometimes overly cautious) when it comes to possible scams and things that seem too good to be true on the internet.